Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Oh lands, what a day!

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carrying on
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Daniel Powter
Bad Day

I had a bad bad bad day today, so I am going to indulge in a half-hour of self-pity, if no one minds. I need to get out all of the drama and mental agony. So, in numerical (and mostly chronological order)

  1. I got somewhere around 5 hours and 40 minutes of sleep last night, and my cat woke me up 5 minutes early.
  2. Had to wear the sweater that makes me look fat b/c it has a bulgy front pocket, b/c it is the only shirt that matches my favorite skirt.
  3. Found large hole caused by unravelling in sweater. Was able to fix, but that is 3 minutes less for my hair and threw my delicate schedule off.
  4. Gout (*Note, no names on here are real.) hugged me today at Technically a Career/Trade Center (TCTC). Grossed and Freaked out. Listen buster: Talking to you does not make me a potential love interest, I have tried to make it clear by blatantly ignoring you and shunning contact but I AM NOT INTERESTED. BACK OFF!!!!!!! I would hate to be expelled for slapping a person, but if it happens again I am willing to risk it.
  5. Talked to Great Depression State University (GDSU) rep at college expo at TCTC, and found out that I can't get in the December scholarship competition, which supposedly has an advantage over January and Febuary.
  6. Forgot gum and had egg and coffee breath.
  7. Got to school, got in Government class, realized there was quiz on newspaper articles I hadn't read. And just when my grade was back up to an A. I know I got at least 1 question and the essay wrong. Then, we were assigned a 200 word essay on the Reality and Racism video we had to watch. Then assigned study guide 7.2, plus quiz.
  8. Got involved in racism discussion which made me late for class. Teacher said she would excuse.
  9. Get to next class, get 3rd tardy, which is a demerit. Supposedly I freaked out, but I didn't think it was that bad. Explained somewhat about the excuse, didn't get far. Everyone got a good laugh. Deportista: "Your face is red." Me: "Uh, kinda realize that. Thanks ever so much." Then, remember that we have a devotions quiz. And by that I mean test. And by that I mean about 20 essay questions. And by that I mean a SORE SORE hand. Not to mention my poor brain.
  10. Study hall passed and noon hour comes. Approach the Dyke about the tardy. "Oh I can't excuse that!" Huh? When she promised she would? Anyway, too shocked at the injustice to fight it much, too busy fighting tears. (I tear up quite quickly in such situations. Which is wierd, because I usually don't cry for the really bad stuff. But stupid little thinegs set me off.) Anyways, I run to the library to try and get control, but loose it again walking into lunch room, so quick duck in next room where some of my friends were and talked it out a bit and finally got control. I HATE crying in public.
  11. Get back from lunch to find detention slip and slip asking me to see Mr. Buzz.
  12. See Mr. Buzz, he has the lines I am supposed to read with a microphone tommorow night at the Music Night. With I microphone. I knew it was stupid even when I signed up to do it. WHY DO I LET MYSELF TALK MYSELF INTO THINGS!!!?!?!?!?! Oh yeah... I needed the extra credit in Bible class.... Esp. with that quiz tommorow.
  13. Off the hook for detention, but get a whole new round of mockery in Spanish. Thanks Brooke. Thanks a lot. You too Devious. And a test tomorrow.
  14. Accounting Test. Never figured out where you round. Not good.
  15. Total homework tally: Government Essay, Quiz and study guide, Bible Quiz/Test, Spanish Test, Brit Lit Reading and Questions, practice lines.

The Good

Some good things did happen... I guess.

  1. Got my notepads back at TCTC.
  2. Mom made me an egg sandwich for the second day in a row for breakfast, plus a nice warm cappucino. LUV YA MOM!
  3. Mom also got in touch with the GDSU admissions, and supposedly I won't loose too much by missing December and I'm all but accepted to boot.
  4. I got out of the demerit.
  5. I got to eat a Dove chocolate!
  6. I got an A+ on the last Spanish quiz.

I hope this makes you feel that you had a good day. Now it's off to work with me, on that essay. I'll post it on here if it turns out any good. Racism is a subject I've been wanting to touch on anyways...

Monday, November 28, 2005


Isabel Colgate
It is not a bad ideato get in the habit of writing down one's thoughts
It saves one from having to burden anyone else with them.

Quote is a weird weird word. It doesn't look quite right with the Quo. Quoth, Quote, Quotes. Strange. But then, the English language is strange in itself. Anyways, this could pass for my blog thesis statement, although it isn't. Getting down thoughts in writing so you don't have to bring them up in conversation. I'm trying to cut down on talking about myself to anyone but myself. Maybe even talking in general. I always end up making a fool out of myself when I try talking to people.


Friday, November 25, 2005

The Cleansing of the Sleeping Quarters

Taking a break from cleaning my room to expound upon the refreshing benefits of the aforementioned action.
  • First off, there are few better feelings than knowing your room is organized. It's a feeling of being in control, of having all the loose ends tied up again. You can basically tell my state of mind from the degree of neatness in my room. If everything is on the floor, the bed's not made and drawers are open and spilling over then I am being rushed along and am feeling very much harrased and frazzled. Beware of suggesting I put away the clothes lying around- I'm not in the mood to hear it! But if everything is put away, and the floor is vaccumed, it means I have a lot of free time and hence am relaxed and usually happy.
  • Second, cleaning your room gives you the chance to rediscover the contents of your music collection. Today, for instance, I found out that one of my dad's CD's (Sally Harmon) had the song that plays on one of my old carosel horses. I had been wondering the other day what the name of the song was, and now I know- Memory, from Cats. (if the CD insert is a creditable source) Something about old favorites and a dustrag on a snowy day makes for a good "me" time.
  • Third, you generally find things you forgot you had, or something that brings up a good memory. Like the Harry Potter book I accidentally won or the pin I got from some lady that owned a hat shop in Canada. We talked for about 20 minutes and then she gave me the pin before we left. It was a great trip and the pin brought it back.

And I could mention a lot more things, probably, like how nice it is to get into a freshly made bed, or the warm fuzzy feeling you get when you know that your fish finally have a clean tank with the proper amount of water in it. It is a sense of accomplishment, of overcoming the eternal enemy of sloth. With that in mind, go clean your room! Play the songs you love that you can only listen to alone. Bring back your memories and have a great time.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm sitting here at my aunt's house, watching Lions and recovering from what I now realize was a scoop too many of mashed potatoes. Soft drinks happen to be a good cure for this, btw. Lions are loosing, par normal. The sad thing is that this year they are even loosing the shoving matches... Anyways, I'm really posting to do kind of a Thanksgiving sermon recap. We had some minister from New Zealand, and he brought out some really good points that I think are really worth mentioning here. For instance, do you grumble when you are brushing snow off your windshield at 6 in the morning before you head for work? You shouldn't- there are plenty of people who would love to have your job, or any job. There are people who would love to even have a car. Are you grateful that you had the privilege to wake up, and didn't die during the night? How about your food? Did you make a big fuss over pineapples in the jello or lumpy potatoes? Because 30,000 kids died today for lack of food. Have you ever really thanked God for the things you take for granted? There was a great verse that the minister quoted to describe America. In II Timothy somewhere. I'll look it up and put it on here in it's entirety. The context was describing a people who were proud, covetous and unthankful. And that's us. We are the people who COMPLAIN when CHARITY comes too slowly. We are the society that think we DESERVE the good life. Pfft. Sad. And I include myself under that. I take a TON of things for granted. I complain a LOT. I will never understand how people can say they turned away from God because He didn't help them, didn't seem to care. Every person ever born owes God thanks for something, if only for being born and having the chance to serve Him. Even the bad can have some good in it. Fire serves to purify gold. Find that gold, and be grateful. Oh, and on a lighter note, I hope you have/had a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


David Wallace
...When you don't have time to think there isn't always
a thought process involved...

This was a gem I came across in the paper the other day from David Wallace (brother of my man Ben Wallace) in regard to the Pistons/Pacers brawl. He speaks truth, no?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Back in Action! (And now able to use the Title Tool!)

Yehaw! Gunfighter is saddlin' up again! I had deleted my first blog b/c my parents had misgivings about safety and my need to blog, but we talked it out and I am back on again and trying to be careful and not spend to much time on it. My parents are very reasonable- they are willing to debate things and allow themselves to change their minds. So I do what they ask, and try to see it from their side. If I can't, we talk it out. They still don't understand why I need to blog, but they'll work with it. Which is an attitude that could solve a lot of people's getting along problems. Everybody has eccentricities, and the best way to handle that is just to play along without challenging it. By eccentricities I mean little things like insisting that chairs get pushed in, or if you are a teacher making your students put 1st and last names, then hour and row... You can avoid so much friction if you just laugh to yourself and play along. It makes me so frustrated to see people make such a big deal out of little things. C'mon, bend a little!
Running spell check just now, I reaalized that the spell check of a major blog host doesn't recongnize the word blog. Go figure.