Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There ain't no rest for the wicked.

It's just like old times tonight. Me and the kiosk computers late at night in Pew, waiting for my ride. I spent an hour on Etsy before the exam and Facebook's got nothing, and my cousin started a Blogspot blog which reminded me that I had my own blog, which hasn't been dusted off and updated in years. So, should I ever be offered the opportunity, this is my reminder never to take on 18 credits. Never. ever. again. The work is unending. A paper here, presentation there, and a project inbetween. As soon as I get through one big project there's another big deadline in about 3 days. And I start working again after spring break. And I really want to graduate magna cum laude, and as my GPA is exactly .1 above the low-water mark for that, I can't afford a goof. The difference now, though, is that although the work is on, and a little self-imposed pressure, the stress isn't. I've got a job-- I know where I'm heading. That makes all the difference. I don't need to get there fast but I need to have a destination. Something more solid than a goal. Now that I've got one I've been able to let go and just enjoy the trip so much more.

So, spring break. That's coming up in a week or so. One of those situations where you want it to just get here already, but at the same time you know there's not enough time to get everything done first that you need to. But I might get one thing taken care of tonight. I've been working hard since Christmas dieting and exercising with my sights on a bikini for summer, and I think I'm getting there. Maybe I'll get lucky tonight and find THE ONE!


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