Friday, November 25, 2005

The Cleansing of the Sleeping Quarters

Taking a break from cleaning my room to expound upon the refreshing benefits of the aforementioned action.
  • First off, there are few better feelings than knowing your room is organized. It's a feeling of being in control, of having all the loose ends tied up again. You can basically tell my state of mind from the degree of neatness in my room. If everything is on the floor, the bed's not made and drawers are open and spilling over then I am being rushed along and am feeling very much harrased and frazzled. Beware of suggesting I put away the clothes lying around- I'm not in the mood to hear it! But if everything is put away, and the floor is vaccumed, it means I have a lot of free time and hence am relaxed and usually happy.
  • Second, cleaning your room gives you the chance to rediscover the contents of your music collection. Today, for instance, I found out that one of my dad's CD's (Sally Harmon) had the song that plays on one of my old carosel horses. I had been wondering the other day what the name of the song was, and now I know- Memory, from Cats. (if the CD insert is a creditable source) Something about old favorites and a dustrag on a snowy day makes for a good "me" time.
  • Third, you generally find things you forgot you had, or something that brings up a good memory. Like the Harry Potter book I accidentally won or the pin I got from some lady that owned a hat shop in Canada. We talked for about 20 minutes and then she gave me the pin before we left. It was a great trip and the pin brought it back.

And I could mention a lot more things, probably, like how nice it is to get into a freshly made bed, or the warm fuzzy feeling you get when you know that your fish finally have a clean tank with the proper amount of water in it. It is a sense of accomplishment, of overcoming the eternal enemy of sloth. With that in mind, go clean your room! Play the songs you love that you can only listen to alone. Bring back your memories and have a great time.


Blogger Unknown said...

ergh, i hatehatehate cleaning my room. so i leave it. which makes it worse for when i finally do clean it. i know, its terrible of me. but im not all that motivated. seriously, to clean my room you need a lot of motivation.

9:04 PM, December 17, 2005  

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