Back in Action! (And now able to use the Title Tool!)

Yehaw! Gunfighter is saddlin' up again! I had deleted my first blog b/c my parents had misgivings about safety and my need to blog, but we talked it out and I am back on again and trying to be careful and not spend to much time on it. My parents are very reasonable- they are willing to debate things and allow themselves to change their minds. So I do what they ask, and try to see it from their side. If I can't, we talk it out. They still don't understand why I need to blog, but they'll work with it. Which is an attitude that could solve a lot of people's getting along problems. Everybody has eccentricities, and the best way to handle that is just to play along without challenging it. By eccentricities I mean little things like insisting that chairs get pushed in, or if you are a teacher making your students put 1st and last names, then hour and row... You can avoid so much friction if you just laugh to yourself and play along. It makes me so frustrated to see people make such a big deal out of little things. C'mon, bend a little!
Running spell check just now, I reaalized that the spell check of a major blog host doesn't recongnize the word blog. Go figure.
lol about the name hour and row...guesses on who THATS about??
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