Monday, October 02, 2006

Of Thunderstorms

I have always liked a good thunderstorm. Let us make that clear from the beginning. In summer especially, they have a way of clearing the air and giving the grass some zing. However, they can really mess with your routine if you are in school. I was sleeping peacefully, when all of a sudden I started dreaming that someone was saying, "This is what the Last Day will sound like." Then there was a long, loud and very real crash of rolling thunder. "Great," thought my sub-conscious, and went back to sleep. The storm, however, continued, and when I got up in the morning there it was. And when we left for the bus stop, it was still going at it, with some gorgeous lightning. Some poor innocents got into a tangle on the freeway, so it suddenly got bumper to bumper, and we had to re-adjust our route. I got off the bus in the pouring rain, popped up my umbrella, and straggled over to Padnos. And may I add this sidenote: The tile in Padnos is crazy slippery when wet. You'll be walking along one of the rugs, when all of a sudden you just loose traction. However, it is the stairs that you really need to watch out for. I've been on them three times, and so far the score is stairs: 3 me: 0. Very embarrassing.
Anyways, the storm picks up again during my Geo class, and booms away for the next couple hours. Nature has no pity for the poor blighters without umbrellas, yet another example of natural selection. Those people who have not the mental capacity to carry umbrellas will be killed off by pnemonia, which inevitably will occur when you get drenched and then sit in a 65 degree classroom. But during my Algebra class the storm broke, and now we have sun. It is a true example of CENSORED weather.


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