I know that I shall not finish the post in the 5 minutes I have before calss,\\\\ class, but I would like ou \\\you all to realize how m\\ the crapiness of this computer. Ana\d a\And all of the cheap com \ computesr. Act. Okay, I give up.
And now, a couple of hours later... I have decided to share with you the details of the typical Wednesday in the life of Darselo. Remember that messy paragraph above. I will explain it eventually.
My Wednesday began, as everybody's does, at 12:00 A.M. This unearthly hour found me typing stoically away on my ad analysis. Which, although it doesn't have a intro or a conclusion, came out very well for something I wrote in the subconscious. I must admit to spending as much time on Facebook as on my paper. It's addictive. At 1:00 the creative juices ran dry, and I switched computers to finish and print my Spanish portfolio. Then I remembered that I needed color copies of my ad for my analysis. Printer 2 doesn't work. Computer 1 won't open the document. At 1:30, I give up, and stumble off to bed.
At 7 my faithful alarm clock alerts me that it is seven. I push snooze, and snuggle back in for 10, then 20 minutes more. Then mom yells down at me, and I muscle myself out of bed. By 8, I'm ready to head out to the bus stop.
8:20: It is raining. It has rained on every Wednesday since I started college. This is because it is one of the days when I do the most running- an extension of the VanderBoon rain-bringing curse. Farmers love us- that's how my dad got my mom, I think. Anyway, it's pretty crowded on the bus- always is between 7-9. When the bus heads into the river valley, it's pretty much trucking- a little scary- you can hear the strain on the engine.
8:40-50: The bus dumps us off at Mak, and I hoof it over to Padnos and HH. A quick check of the Facebook, then I finish my Geo assigment for Friday. I then have nothing better to do than plop down on one of the benches and wait for 10:00. The H.H. isn't a bad place to sit around in that early in the morning, if you happen to hit it well inbetweeen the class changing. It's quiet, with a soothing fountain. The benches are okay for the first ten minutes, then you start cramping up. I always start leaning against the pillar with my knees up, then knees down, cross and uncross, then give up and sit normally. By this time, all available bench space (within reasonable personal space limits) has been filled.
10:00- File into the lecture hall, wind myself into the awkward, swiveling lecture hall chairs, and take out clicker and notebook. Clickers are kind of cool- it's like a remote where you choose the answers to questions on a powerpoint. It compiles the answers and shows the percent that chose each answer. Hobbes and Mel enter and plop down next to me. Other than that, the class is pretty boring right now. We're into weather as opposed to biology/history. I was geeking out for a while there though.
11:00- Done with Geo, head to Language Lab to put in my required 50 minutes. Do some Lab Manual work, then watch Spanish movies. Pointless.
11:50- Gather with other people in front of the Algebra classroom. Catch up on who's getting the work, who of all our aspiring nurses/doctors passed yesterday's chemistry exam, and express Tigers pride.
12:00- Begin Algebra class. It's a running sequence of me figuring it out, then explaining it to two or three of the girls around me. They're great people, but that's the downside to being smart.
1:00- FREEDOM. Over to Mak where I do what I can to finish the paper and print everything out. IM TB and Henk, check Facebook. The person next to me holding a cellphone conversation in hushed tones. Very annoying. I looked to see if her comp had one of the "Cell Phones Prohibited" stickers on it, think of the irony, but no, hers was "This is a QUIET lab." It aaaaallmost works as well.
3:00- Kirkhof for lunch. On the way, I stop at the 2020 to ask about color copying. Appantly there is a copy room in the basement. I locate said copy room. They provide a valuable service, and are extrememly nice, but the people in there are crazy. High on something... Toner probably. Whatever it is, I want some. Got my ad copied 4x for $1, then lunch. Finally. The one flaw in my schedule is that I don't really have time to wash my hands before lunch. The fuss with the back pack is more than I like to take on for frivolousness, but when you get a greasy mouse and let your mind wander, you will find it is easy to become a germophobe. My lunch was, as usual, pizza and water. They have pretty good pizza at college- it always sounds good, and I have it two days out of the week. Today I managed to snag a slice that was almost $2.30 size. Pretty big, but all I eat from 8-8... No wonder I've lost 7 pounds.
3:40- Head to LSH and take my bathroom break. Then, with time left on my hands, I decide to see if I can get on the internet on the crappy computers they have lying around in LSH. Yes,you can. So I decide to start a blog post. Enter the messy paragraph. The keyboards are of an old mouseless variety, with a greasy spacebar and a backspace bar the size of a normal letter key. In the space where I am accustomed to hittin the space bar there is the /// key. Most disturbing. The moniter also has issues. It has a bubble distortion or somthing.
3:50- Walk around in circles until I find a staircase. Climb staircase and check the doors. It took a while, but I have learned that the double door entrance leads to the office hallway, and the open entrance leads to the classroom hallway, no matter where you are. Every thing else changes position daily, but not those doors. I've also learned that LSH is the home of Philosophy majors. They probably designed it.
4:00- Writing class. Same old... Read and trash an example paper, then read eachother's papers and critique. Freshmen are more insightful than you would think.
5:50- Exit down nearest stairs, then nearest door. Begin cross campus hike in the rain.
6:00- Enter Spanish class, usually I'm late but today I seem to be on time. Today we basically were just passing time. Divided into new groups- the only non-scary guys are in another group this time. Sniff. They talk about waterskiing, double sniff, since the chick they were talking to didn't waterski. Did group activities, watched Spanish news TV, played game. My team soooo dominated. We had seven, our nearest competition had three.
7:40- FREEEDOM!!!! As I'm waiting for the bus, one of the non-scary guys passes, and initites a few quick observations about the weather. Cold. A balm. Get on bus and read comments on my paper. Some good ideas, and someone appreciated my humor. Even more balm.
10:00- Now, after some supper and etc, I'm here blogging and occasionally glancing at the Tiger's game. Life is good. Sorry, I know this post is less than what I like to think of as my normal decent quality posts, but it's for posterity.