Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Prescision Bike Chucking

Mondays, at least to me, are 24 hours of uncharted territory. The unexpected and the unprecedented. Take yesterday for instance. It began, as always, at 12:00 am, which found me cleaning my room and getting ready for bed. Somewhere between 1 and 2 AM, my mother got the flu (passed on from my sis) which was worrisome because she is the sole means of transportation for my bro and I. I wake up at 6 to offer to drive my bro to his class, offer declined. I wake up at 7, realize I can sleep in, then wake up at 8. Due to an erroneous interpretation of my schedule, I arrive at class an hour early. Most of my day is extremely boring to anyone who is not me, but there were some notable occurances.

  • I left my flash drive in a computer. Again.
  • I realized this an hour later, when I had just settled down in the Writing Lab, which is a great many longitudes away from the lab I left my flash drive in.
  • On cross-campus hike to retrive flash drive, I overhear a pretty funny conversation:

Time: 1:45ish. Place: Supportless bridge over deep gorge.

So yeah, I'm stepping along briskly, and as I am reaching the bridge I begin to catch up to this mis-matched group of guys. There were two jocks, an African American, and a short geeky guy. On the narrow bridge, there was no getting around this Phalanx, so I just kept pace behind them. About halfway across, one could see a bike stuck in a tree, and the guys adopted it as a subject of conversation. From what I could see, they were in dead earnest.

"Haha... Someone chucked a bike in the tree." (scattered chuckles)

"Haha... It's hard to get a bike up there"

"I know, and they have it stuck up there just by the seat!!! That's precision bike chucking!!" (scattered noises and exclamations of admiration)

"Haha, seriously though, they do that every time there's a bike in the ravine. Someone picks it up and throws it in a tree."

"Oh I know... We went down there once, at like 10:30 at night."

"Yeah, it was pretty sweet, but then we lost Johnny. And we were like 'S**T!!! We lost Johnny!!!"

"Yeah, and you were all wearing flip-flops. I was the only smart one, I had traction."

It faded out after this, but that conversation, and the recovery of my flash drive, really made my Monday.

And do you realize that this month marks my blog's first anniversary? No? Well, now you do. Happy Birthday Bloggie! And I know I promised a lot of big thoughts for a first anniversary post, but I'm about drained dry of big thoughts. Bike chucking is more my speed at present. I can appreciate now why brainless humor is so prevelent among college students. There is no brain left to waste on humor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you gotta wonder how colleges produce such brilliant people if they are made up of people like 'bike chuckers'....

10:16 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is no such thing as "wasting" your brain on humour. if someone else is being funny, you have to laugh. and it never tires my brain... always makes me happier.
but i liked that post... i love how you write.

4:33 AM, October 28, 2006  
Blogger Darselo said...

I didn't really mean waste, I was being somewhat sarcastic. I agree with you- humor is essential, and is a good thing.

1:36 PM, October 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea... but i guess there comes a time that you get so tired that everything you hear is funny. i think ive reached that point many a time...:)

1:30 PM, November 02, 2006  

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