Friday, March 17, 2006

Darselo's Infallible Top Ten Signs of Spring

You Know It's Spring When:

  1. Seed Catalogs begin to arrive, and the father figure and I cook up plots for the upcoming dahila season. This year, after a two year struggle, we have finally secured my namesake dahlia. Hy Darseylo. Spelt wrong, but I since so very rarely see my name on anything I shall ignore this annoyance.
  2. All winter clothes hit the clearance racks, and the summer's trends begin to appear.
  3. The search for a Banquet dress is on. A perilous quest indeed, for the dress must have attached sleeves, high back, and be at least remotely in style. Last year was a stylin' $25 dollar victory. This year's model is looking to be more expensive, but we have a $20 off coupon and if we wait a while longer there may be a 20% discount.
  4. First crocus blooms- March 11
  5. Tulips and Daffodils start sprouting.
  6. You know fo' shizzle where you are going to be on Spring Break. For me, this is FLORIDA with the galpals!!!!!!! Really awesome, b/c it's my first trip to Florida, but a little weird b/c my parents won't be along...
  7. All of a sudden the Washington D.C. trip, such a distant date for the past 4 years, draws nigh...
  8. The Pussywillow tree in the back" fourth" blooms. It has grown (as trees are wont to do) over the years, so getting the buds is much more of a challenge than it used to be. The tree-climbing and ladder wrestling are worth it though, for as Christopher Robin might say, they are "So cute and fuzzy!!!!!!"
  9. Dren hangs up the snowboard and hauls out the scooters.
  10. You almost hit the first two robins of spring because they are fighting in the middle of the road at 6:00 in the morning.


Blogger Unknown said...

hi darcy!! i saw your comment of complaint concerning the lack of comments... so here i am!!! how are ya?? liking your blog... and i loved spring the most out of all the seasons. you could smell the life, and i looooved it!! nice post... youre right on the ballgame on this one!

10:07 AM, March 24, 2006  
Blogger Darselo said...

And so are you, about smelling life in the air. I, however, do not like Spring much. It is dingy, sloppy, rainy, and too cold to run and swim. I tolerate it only because the flowers come out, and it means that summer, my favorite season, is nigh. And, of course, that wonderful air.

4:21 PM, March 24, 2006  
Blogger Dren said...

Late spring is all good, but not early spring. There's nothing more depressing than turning on the weatherbox and hearing "and the weather today is snow mixed with rain" Ugh!

2:48 PM, March 25, 2006  

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