Thursday, March 02, 2006

Wild nights, wonderful mornings...

These are some around the house shots of the lovely ice we had after a day of really whacked out weather...

This is just the sunrise, all the white stuff in the trees is ice...

A little closer...

Even closer...

And closer still...


Blogger Erika said...

Ooh, PRETTY pix!!

10:46 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

niiiiiiiiiiiice!!! havent seen ice like that in months, and wont for a very very very very very long time, since south africa isnt known for snow. or ice. harhar!! how you doing? still cold? i figured id comment here, coz youre cool, and you comment on my blog, returning the favour.

10:40 AM, March 10, 2006  
Blogger Darselo said...

Thanx 4 the comment and the compliment... ^^ I'm hoping I don't see any more ice until next October... SA sounds rather nice and far away right now... I'd like to be far away...

7:37 PM, March 11, 2006  

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