Saturday, December 03, 2005


I'm listening to the new Nickelback song, Photograph, and feel the need to just say how disgusted I am with good writers for taking the little step that makes a song go from class to crass. By this, I mean putting in profanity. It really is not cool. In my opinion it is degrading to the writer- they are showing they need to put in filler words, or be shocking so their work has appeal. I don't just mean songs either. Bathroom talk, okay, still crass but tolerable. But why profanity people, WHY? You are just insulting your talents. Instead of "crappy", invent something "snappy". And yeah, I know that was tacky.
I love Photograph, I really can't help it... It touches the heartstrings. It's not your run of the mill song: it has an original theme, it has somewhat of a point, it does not degrade my gender and the music video is very well done. All of which are very rare in this decade. But I can never listen to it with a clear conscience. I hate feeling like I should hit the mute button. If they could just take out two words, it would be perfection. Someday I'll get me a big 'ol soundboard/system thingy and learn to edit songs and movies so I can salvage some of the strokes of genius I encounter. Yup, right after I learn to burn CD's off of tapes and records, how to successfully use audio files in any HTML/CSS format, and become the 345th person to fly to the moon.


Blogger Erika said...

I LOVE that song!!

12:49 PM, December 10, 2005  
Blogger scarlatti said...

i dont.

9:05 PM, December 17, 2005  

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