I just graduated. Like, oh, 3 hours ago. It is strange to have graduated- strange because I do not feel strange. Just like I've been to a party, stayed out late, gorged, and am crashing at home. There was no tingling, no earthquake- just bright lights and royal blue gowns. It had much the same feeling as the Christmas Programs of old. Except the stage was much more state-of-the-art. It made one feel like he was participating in some choice piece of drama or somesuch. We even had a rehearsal, which was really a rather discouraging session. However, the actual ceremony went well, except for the attempt to combine the graduates, band and audience in a rendition of America the Beautiful. Each party had different ideas on the timing of the song. It got so bad, we were almost singing it as a round. Such is the curse of the school band though. Music has become stagnant in the old hallowed halls of the PC. Which I will never be in again as a student. Which, given a shade more contemplation, will probably get me sniffly. Although the school has done little to deserve a claim on my affections, it does. I imagine that the feeling is the same as that which people feel for their old junker cars- they miss them a little, even though they broke down every 3 miles, didn't have AC, and could only get the Spanish radio station. It's not about the defects- which are legion- but about the people, and the memories, and those wonderful old books in the school library. Funny how that works- how you can hate something so much while you have it, and then miss it when you don't. Defies logic. But now- BRING ON SUMMER!!!!!!!
beautiful, darci, I nearly cried. Cheers and congratulations, and I hope you have an awesome time at the party, which you should be at as I type. Im gonna miss ya alot this summer, cept I'll be seeing you a bit hopefully.
Aww, beautifully written darci...u almost brought me to tears!! congrats girl...u did awesome!! I can't believe WE'RE seniors next year...omg!!!!!!
It's pretty fun to be a senior, especially in the last week of school. I've never been to a more fun or more sad party than the senior party though.
congrats!! may you be successful, happy and find the joys of life... im sure you will. dont give in, dont give up, and dont forget the fun youve had. if you ever need an escape from the real world, memories are the best place to go to!! (i do all the time... when im supposed to be doing accounting..:D) im sure you'll be missed, and im sure life holds much for you.
im so serious...:D
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