Monday, May 29, 2006

Shimmering Reflections

Banquet was... nice? Fine? Pretty good? Something like that. Congrats to the Juniors for pulling of a Banquet that definitely trumps last years. Also for not giving me a book as a Senior gift- way to think outside the box with the sketchpad. How did you get the pumpkin seeds for Herb and Skeet to pass with the Senora?

Anyways, selfishly moving back to me and my ongoing problems... A row of beads on my dress popped off 10 minutes before my date showed up, so there was a mad scramble to get those sewn back on. Then, we got pictures and the awkward corsage thing over with, got on the highway, and promptly got off the wrong exit. No big problem since I knew the area fairly well, we got there in good time- second people there actually. More people began to arrive, and compliments were spread around like fertilizer in a cornfield. It amused me that of all the lovely things I had on, I got the most compliments for the flower I stuck in my hair. Not the brand new ridiculously high-priced dress, nor the jewelry I bought specially to match it. Nope, it was the cheap sequin flower. It barely matched the rest of me, and it wasn't even meant to be a hair piece-it came on a skirt I bought a year ago. Sigh. Such is life, I suppose. But oh well- apparently it looked nice, and that's all that counts.

Along with the compliments came the hugs and various photo ops, the fruits of which I will present you with here.

I pity the people who sit across from me at Banquet- I take bad pictures of them. But it's their fault. If they would only wait for me and my stupid slow camera before they broke their poses...

And that's all the pics that Blogger is gonna let me upload today. For some reason it just ain't working. So enjoy this for now, there'll be more later.


Blogger Unknown said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY WORD!! I HAD LIKE FORGOTTEN ABOUT NEIL BLOK AND THAT GUY YOU WERE WITH...(mind blank... whats his name?) and was he your date? omw, banquet looks like fun and stuff! and your dress was cool... those pics brought on a wave of.. memories of my crazy days of plymouth... sad but nice... glad you had a good time!

12:56 PM, June 03, 2006  
Blogger Darselo said...

ryan, and yes, he was my date ^^ It was a good time. Lots of anxiety beforehand, but everything went smoothly once it got rolling. Give us an update again soon, k?

11:18 PM, June 03, 2006  

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