Friday, May 26, 2006


Banquet goes down in 5 hours, and I'm getting pretty nervous, as well as excited. Despite being forced to get an expensive dress, destroying my nice freshly manicured thumb, the Big Seating Chart Fight of '06 and having a serious communication problem with my date, who asked late enough to leave me rather unprepared, it's gonna be a good time. 'Cause there are positives too- my dress is black (yay!), my other 9 nails are nice, I got all my jewelry and shoes for a grand total of $7.50, the Fight is 5 hours from being ended, and the missing communication is going to give us something to talk about in the car. Plus, my hair seems to be coming along well- it's being done as I type. It's gonna be awkward, awkward, awkward. But fun, hopefully. Aaaack... I think I'm going bobby pin crazy.


Blogger Unknown said...

i hope you have fun!! post pics... sorry i havent commented in forever... btw, i updated... more pics of gordon..:D

3:54 PM, May 27, 2006  

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