Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cure for Writers Block?

Well... I'm supposed to be writing a paper, but it just isn't coming out, so I'm hoping a whiny freewrite will help loosen up whatever it is that's stuck. I like only having to write three papers, but I dislike the fact that I'm always working on them, and working on them. Polishing, revising... or, more frequently, just plain finishing. The paper I'm working on now is about 13 pages long (we have a 6 page minimum) and I still have to finish 2 paragraphs and the conclusion. Another thing about these papers is that I have to think big thoughts. Which, although I can do, takes time, stress. I've always got these papers hanging over me, so whenever I try to relax, its "You should be working on that paper..." There are only 16 days left, and I need to finish, do detail work, get creditable sources and MLA format on the film analysis, detail work on the ad analysis, and then brainstorming, revision, detail work, sources and MLA the person analysis. The detail work is the hard stuff- you have to go through every sentance and rework it for conciseness, a & b lists, alliteration, metaphor, generalization, claim and explain, all that sort of thing. I seriously spent about 10 hours one day just doing detail work on the ad analysis. It's insane the amount of time I spend on these papers, if not working then at least stressing. Good thing my other classes are easy. Or not. And I have to get a job somewhere, and re-arrange my schedule for next semester, plus decide on a career. All this, and I'm really bad at taking compliments. I need to develop a method of accepting the compliment and agreeing, while still being calm, cool and modest. If there are any proven methods or suggestions, please let me know.
So, sorry about the whiny, self-centered post. I just needed to vent, and if I get a little sympathy on the side, that's always nice. I would just tell the "dear diary" this, but it's so much easier to type. Plus, you can actually read the things I type.

These are the songs (so far) that I can listen to over and over and over again in a row, without getting sick of them: (We're talking, like, 10+ listens in a row)
Life Ain't Always Beautiful, Best I Ever Had (Gary Allan) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-87iBIEohhI
Different Drum (Joe Scruggs- it's a kids song, but back then, it was my anthem.)
Eternal Memory of Lightwaves- Intro to FFX-2, very sad, pretty song, feels otherworldly... I have the piano music, but it's slightly different and doesn't have the cool sound effects. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KZyhlOAg-Q
Only Time (Enya)
Complicated (Avril Lavigne)
Memory (from Cats, but the piano version by Sally Harmon)
Wintersun (Bond)
Listen To Your Heart, I Can't Be Your Friend, Someone, Seventeen... not individually, but in rotation. (D.H.T. is easy on the ears.)

Many of these are great songs to do homework to. Particularly Enya.

There, hopefully I'll be able to concentrate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

for the MLA format, may i suggest using this site. http://webapps.calvin.edu/knightcite/index.php
is great for documentation, and correct too. just make sure you capitalize the titles of sources correctly, it wont do that for u.

good luck!

7:40 AM, November 16, 2006  

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